Shipping and Returns

When will I get my order?

As each item is handmade to order, usually it takes 3–7 days to fulfill. After which, it is shipped out. Shipping time depends on your location and where it is shipped from, but can be estimated as about 3-4 business days.

How do I track my order?
You’ll receive a tracking link via email when your order ships out. If you have any questions about your tracking or shipment, please contact us.

Where will my order ship from?
We work with first-rate, print-on-demand companies with facilities worldwide. This means that depending on where you are, your orders are printed, handmade, and shipped from the facility that can do it the most efficiently. When ordering multiple items, it is possible that items in your order will arrive separately.

Do you ship internationally?
We do not ship internationally.

My order should be here by now, but I still don't have it. What should I do?
Before getting in touch with us, please help us out by doing the following:

• Check your shipping confirmation email for any mistakes in the delivery address
• Ask your local post office if they have your package
• Stop by your neighbors in case the courier left the package with them

If the shipping address was correct, and the package wasn't left at the post office or at your neighbor’s, get in touch with us at with your order number. If you did find a mistake in your delivery address, we can send you a replacement order, but shipping will be at your own cost.

I received a wrong/damaged product, what should I do?
We’re so sorry if the product you ordered arrived damaged. To help us resolve this for you quickly, please email us at within a weeks' time with photos of the damaged product, your order number, and any other details you may have about your order. We’ll get back to you with a resolution as soon as possible!

What’s your return policy?
Unfortunately, as each item is individually made-to-order, we cannot accept returns or exchanges.

What if my shirt arrives damaged?
Refunds are only offered to customers that receive the wrong items or damaged items. If any of these apply, please contact us at  with photos of wrong/damaged items and we’ll sort it out for you.



No returns or exchanges are available on final sale items.